This is my blog. Prepare to be transported to another dimension.
Feb-3-2025- I decided to make this site because I was thinking about how much I missed making websites as a child. This was one of my main hobbies for ages and I even operated a somewhat successful at the time online magazine with my friend Korinna. As time went by, I stopped paying attention to this former hobby of mine but in an attempt to integrate my inner child (#JustJungianThings), I'm going to use this website to bring that part of myself back. I had this realization that so many of us only use just a few websites on the internet (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, TikTok etc) and how much more expansive the internet used to feel when I was a tween. So much has already come back to the forefront of my memory when it comes to HTML and CSS, which is nice because I had assumed that I'd forgotten it all. This week I think I'm going to watch Severence. I've started a program to help with insomnia (I'm not supposed to even think about my sleep so maybe I shouldn't be writing this part), but I'm eager to see how it transforms my life. I am currently reading "House of Leaves" by Danielewski and working on writing a novel. Perhaps. I'll start posting updates on that here soon. Anyway, hope all of you who are reading this are doing well :)